
Julkaisuluettelo (Finnish publications)

  • Kansanen, P. (2014). Teaching as a Master’s level profession in Finland: Theoretical reflections and practical solutions. In O. McNamara, J. Murray & M. Jones (Eds.), Workplace learning in teacher education. International practice and policy (pp. 279-292). Dordrecht: Springer.
  • Kansanen, P. (2011). Selected theses for a sustainable teacher education programme. Orbis Scholae, 5(2), 51-65.
  • Kansanen, P. (2011). The curious affair of pedagogical content knowledge. In B. Hudson & M.A. Meyer (Eds.), Beyond fragmentation: Didactics, learning and teaching in Europe (pp. 77-90). Opladen & Farmington Hills, MI: Barbara Budrich Publishers.
  • Kansanen, P., & Hansén, S-E. (2011). Lärares pedagogiska tänkande. I S.-E. Hansén & L. Forsman (red), Allmändidaktik – vetenskap för lärare (ss. 355-375). Lund: Studentlitteratur.
  • Sjöholm, K., Kansanen, P., Hansén, S.-E., & Kroksmark, T. (2011). Ämnesdidaktik – en integrerad del av allmändidaktik. I S.-E. Hansén & L. Forsman (red), Allmändidaktik – vetenskap för lärare (ss. 51-69). Lund: Studentlitteratur.
  • Kansanen, P., Hansén, S.-E., Sjöberg, J., & Kroksmark, T. (2011). Vad är allmändidaktik? I S.-E. Hansén & L. Forsman (red), Allmändidaktik – vetenskap för lärare (ss. 29-50). Lund: Studentlitteratur.
  • Krokfors, L., Kynäslahti, H., Stenberg, K., Toom, A., Maaranen, K., Jyrhämä, R., Byman, R., & Kansanen, P. (2011). Investigating Finnish teacher educators’ views on research-based teacher education. Teaching Education, 22(1), 1–13.
  • Toom, A., Kynäslahti, H., Krokfors, L., Jyrhämä, R., Byman, R., Stenberg, K., Maaranen, K., & Kansanen, P. (2010).Experiences of research-based approach to teacher education: suggestions for future policies. European Journal of Education, 45(2), 331-344.
  • Kansanen, P. (2010). HORRIBILE DICTU: The success story of the Finnish school system. In A. Liimets (Hrsg.), Denkkulturen. Selbstwerdung des Menschen. Erziehungskulturen (ss. 95-110). Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang.
  • Kansanen, P. (2010). Teser för framtidens lärarbildning. I M. Hugo & M. Segolsson (red.), Lärande och bildning i en globaliserad tid (ss. 99-114). Lund: Studentlitteratur.
  • Jyrhämä, R., Kynäslahti, H., Krokfors, L., Byman, R., Maaranen, K., Toom, A., & Kansanen, P. (2008). The appreciation and realisation of research-based teacher education: Finnish students’ experiences of teacher education. European Journal of Teacher Education, 31(1), 1-16.
  • Kansanen, P. (2007). Oborové didaktiky jako základ znalostní báze pro učitele – nebo tomu budeme radéji říkat pedagogical content knowledge? In T. Janík (Ed.), Pedagogical content knowledge nebo didaktická znalost obsahu? (pp. 11-22). Brno: Paido.
  • Kansanen, P. (2007). Research-based teacher education. In R. Jakku-Sihvonen & H. Niemi (Eds.), Education as a societal contributor. Reflections by Finnish educationalists (pp. 131–146). Frankfurt a.M.: Peter Lang.
  • Kansanen, P., & Meri, M. (2007). Finland. In W. Hörner, H. Döbert, von Kopp, B., & Mitter, W. (Eds.), The education systems of Europe (pp. 251-262). Springer.
  • Kansanen, P. (2006). Constructing a research-based program in teacher education. In F.K. Oser, F. Achtenhagen, & U. Renold (Eds.), Competence oriented teacher training. Old research demands and new pathways (pp. 11-22). Rotterdam & Taipei: Sense Publishers.
  • Krokfors, L., Jyrhämä, R., Kynäslahti, H., Toom, A., Maaranen, K., & Kansanen, P. (2006). Working while teaching, learning while working: Students teaching in their own class. Journal of Education for Teaching, 32(2), 21-36.
  • Kynäslahti, H., Kansanen, P., Jyrhämä, R., Krokfors, L., Maaranen, K., & Toom, A. (2006). The multimode programme as a variation of research-based teacher education. Teaching and Teacher Education, 22(2), 246-256.
  • Kansanen, P. (2005). The idea of research-based teacher education. In E. Eckert & W. Fichten (Eds.), Schulbegleitforschung. Erwartungen – Ergebnisse – Wirkungen (pp. 91-103). Münster: Waxmann.
  • Westbury, I., Hansen, S.-E., Kansanen, P., & Björkvist, O. (2005). Teacher education for research-based practice in expanded roles: Finland’s experience. Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research, 49(5), 475-485.
  • Kansanen, P., & Pepin, B. (2005). Historic and comparative perspectives on didaktik. In S. Ongstad, B. Hudson, B. Pepin, G. Imsen, & P. Kansanen, Didaktik and/in mathematics education. Studying a discipline in international, comparative and communicational perspectives (pp. 28-49). Oslo University College, Faculty of Education.
  • Ongstad, S., Hudson, B., Pepin, B., Imsen, G., & Kansanen, P. (2005). Didaktik and/in mathematics education. Studying a discipline in international, comparative and communicational perspectives. Oslo University College, Faculty of Education.
  • Kansanen, P. (2004). Erfahrungen und Perspektiven der Peer Review in der Lehrerbildung in Finnland. journal für lehrerinnen- und lehrerbildung, 4(4), 23-33.
  • Kansanen, P. (2004). The basic characteristics of the Finnish teacher educationn. Center for Videregående Uddannelse, Agora nr. 4 (ISSN: 1603-3280)
  • Kansanen, P. (2004). The role of general education in teacher education. Zeitschrift für Erziehungswissenschaft, 7 (2), 207-218.
  • Kansanen, P. (2004). Didaktika a její vztah k pedagogické psychologii: problémy kličových pojmůa jejich překladu. Pedagogica, 54(1), 48-57.
  • Kansanen, P., & Hansén, S.-E. (2003). Some comparative highlights in Nordic doctoral studies. Nordisk Pedagogik, 23(4), 267-271.
  • Hansén, S.-E., & Kansanen, P. (2003). Doctoral studies in education. A Finnish perspective. Nordisk Pedagogik, 23(4), 205-214.
  • Kansanen, P., & Hansén, S.-E. (2003). Introduction to the practices and problems in doctoral studies in the Nordic countries. Nordisk Pedagogik, 23(4), 181-183.
  • Kansanen, P. (2003). Studying – the realistic bridge between instruction and learning. An attempt to a conceptual whole of the teaching-studying-learning process. Educational Studies, 29(2/3), 221-232.
  • Kansanen, P. (2003). Teacher education in Finland: Current models and new developments. In B. Moon, L. Vlăsceanu, & C. Barrows (Eds.), Institutional approaches to teacher education within higher education in Europe: Current models and new developments (pp. 85-108). Bucharest: Unesco – Cepes
  • Kansanen, P. (2003). Pedagogical ethics in educational research. Educational Research and Evaluation, 9(1), 9-23.
  • Tirri, K., & Kansanen, P. (2003). Introduction to special issue. Educational Research and Evaluation, 9(1), 3-7.
  • Tirri, K., & Kansanen, P. (Eds.). (2003). Current research on moral education: International perspectives. Educational Research and Evaluation, 9(1), Special issue.
  • Kansanen, P. (2002). Didactics and its relation to educational psychology: Problems in translating a key concept across research communities. International Review of Education, 48(6), 427-441.
  • Kansanen, P. (2002). Die Schulsysteme Europas – Finnland. In H. Döbert, W. Hörner, B. von Kopp, & W. Mitter (Hrsg.), Die Schulsysteme Europas. Kronach: Schneider Verlag Hohengehren.
  • Kansanen, P., & Meri, M. (2002). Die didaktische Relation im Lehr-Lern(Studieren) – Prozess des Unterrichts. In S. Protz (Hrsg.), Schule erleben. Unterricht unter dem Anspruch von Erziehung (ss. 165-181). Rudolstadt & Jena: Hain.
  • Kansanen, P. (2002). Building on the best of both worlds: Pedagogical thinking as interplay between the normative and the descriptive. In K. Niinistö, Hasso Kukemelk, & L. Kemppinen (Eds.), Developing teacher education in Estonia (83-105). Turku: University of Turku & University of Tartu.
  • Kansanen, P. (2001). Using subjective pedagogical theories to enhance teacher education. Unterrichtswissenschaft, 29(3), 268-286.
  • Kansanen, P. (2000). Una diversa modalita’ di pensiero pedagogico negli insegnanti. In J. Hautamäki (toim.), Instruire la mente. Un progetto educativo finlandese. Lecce: Sallentum Editrice.
  • Kansanen, P. (2000). Kampen mellan vetenskap och lära. I E. Alerby, P. Kansanen, & T. Kroksmark (red.), Lära om lärande (ss. 29-44). Lund: Studentlitteratur.
  • Kansanen, P. (2000). Hur (inter)nationell är pedagogisk forskning? I S.-E. Hansén, J. Sjöberg, & G. Eklund-Myrskog (Red.), Att spana i tiden. Pedagogiska utblickar. Vasa: Åbo Akademi, Pedagogiska fakulteten.
  • Kansanen, P., Pitkäniemi, H., Byman, R., & Hulkkonen, H. (2000). Pedagogical thinking in a student’s mind. In P. Kansanen (Ed.), Discussions on Some Educational Issues IX (pp. 27-51). Research Report 211. Department of Teacher Education, University of Helsinki.
  • Kansanen, P., Tirri, K., Meri, M., Krokfors, L., Husu, J., & Jyrhämä, R. (2000). Teachers´ Pedagogical Thinking. Theoretical Landscapes, Practical Challenges. New York: Peter Lang.
  • Alerby, E., Kansanen, P., & Kroksmark, T. (red.). (2000). Lära om lärande. Lund: Studentlitteratur.
  • Kansanen, P., & Hansén, S.-E. (1999).Vad är kvar av “den gamla” pedagogiken och didaktiken? Nordisk Pedagogik, 19(1), 120-130.
  • Kansanen, P. (1999). Didaktiken i ett samhälls- och framtidsperspektiv. Didaktisk Tidskrift, 9(1-2), 39-48.
  • Kansanen, P. (1999). Review of Fennes, H. & Hapgood, K. (1997). Intercultural learning in class. London: Cassell. Journal of Curriculum Studies, 31(4), 492-494.
  • Kansanen, P. (Ed.). (1999). Discussions on Some Educational Issues VIII. Research Report 204. Department of Teacher Education, University of Helsinki.
  • Kansanen, P. (1999). The way thinking is once again. In P. Kansanen (Ed.), Discussions on Some Educational Issues VIII (pp. 29-40). Research Report 204. Department of Teacher Education, University of Helsinki. (reprint)
  • Kansanen, P., Tirri, K., Meri, M., Krokfors, L., Husu, J., & Jyrhämä, R. (1999). Moral perspectives in teachers´ thinking. In M. Lang, J. Olson, H. Hansen, & W. Bünder (Eds.), Changing Schools/Changing Practices: Perspectives on Educational Reform and Teacher Professionalism (pp. 109-116). Louvain: Garant.
  • Kansanen, P. (1999). Några aspekter på lärarens pedagogiska tänkande. Utbildning & Demokrati, 8(2), 57-68.
  • Hudson, B., Buchberger, F., Kansanen, P., & Seel, H. (Eds.). (1999). Didaktik/Fachdidaktik as Science(-s) of the Teaching Profession. TNTEE Publications, 2(1).
  • Kansanen, P. (1999). The Deutsche Didaktik and the American research on teaching. In B. Hudson, F. Buchberger, P. Kansanen, & H. Seel (Eds.), Didaktik/Fachdidaktik as Science(-s) of the Teaching Profession. TNTEE Publications, 2(1), 21-35. (reprint)
  • Kansanen, P. & Meri, M. (1999). The didactic relation in the teaching-studying-learning process. In B. Hudson, F. Buchberger, P. Kansanen, & H. Seel (Eds.), Didaktik/Fachdidaktik as Science(-s) of the Teaching Profession. TNTEE Publications, 2(1), 107-116.
  • Tirri, K., Husu, J., & Kansanen, P. (1999). The epistemological stance between the knower and the known. Teaching and Teacher Education, 15(8), 911-922.
  • Kansanen, P. (1999). Research-based teacher education. In J. Hytönen, C. Razdevë ek Pu¹ ko, & G. Smith (Eds.), Teacher Education for Changing School (pp. 135-141). Ljubljana: University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Education.
  • Kansanen, P. & Meri, M. (1999). The didactic relation in the teaching-studying-learning process. In B. Hudson, F. Buchberger, P. Kansanen, & H. Seel (Eds.), Didaktik/Fachdidaktik as Science(-s) of the Teaching Profession. TNTEE Publications, 2(1), 107-116.
  • Kansanen, P. (1998). Interaction as a basis for the teaching-studying-learning process. In M.-L. Laherand, A. Liimets, & R. Liimets-Sorokin (Eds.), The Educational Science as an Integrative Science and Integration Issues in Education (pp. 55-60).Tallinn: Tallinn Pedagogical University.
  • Kansanen, P. (1998). La Deutsche Didaktik. Revista de Estudios del Curriculum, 1(1), 14-20.
  • Kansanen, P. (Ed.). (1997). Discussions on Some Educational Issues VII. Research Report 175. Department of Teacher Education, University of Helsinki.
  • Kansanen, P. (1997). Teacher’s purposes and student’s intentions. Do they ever meet? In P. Kansanen (Ed.), Discussions on Some Educational Issues VII (pp. 35-46). Research Report 175. Department of Teacher Education, University of Helsinki.
  • Kansanen, P. (1997). Forschungsbetonte Lehrerbildung als Beitrag zur Weiterentwicklung des Lehrerberufes. In S. Protz (Hrsg.), Europa als Bildungsgemeinschaft. Bildung – Schulreform – Lehrerbildung (ss. 254-262). Rudolstadt: Hain.
  • Kansanen, P. (1997). Vad är skolpedagogik? I M. Uljens (Red.), Didaktik – teori, reflektion och praktik (ss. 146-165). Lund: Studentlitteratur.
  • Kansanen, P. (1997). Lärarutbildning i Sverige och Finland. Utbildning och demokrati, 6(1), 65-83.
  • Kansanen, P., & Uljens, M. (1997). On the history and future of Finnish didactics. Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research, 41(2-4), 225-235.
  • Kansanen, P. (1996). Die deutsche Didaktik mit nichtdeutschen Augen. In J. Kari, M.-L. Huttunen, & E. Varis (Eds.), EU und das Bildungssystem im nordischen Europa (ss. 24-32). The Principles and Practice of Teaching 25. University of Jyväskylä, Department of Teacher Education.
  • Kansanen, P., & Uljens, M. (1996). What is behind research on teacher education? In D. Kallós & I. Nilsson (Eds.), Research on Teacher Education in Finland, Germany and Sweden (pp. 47-65). Monographs on Teacher Education Research Vol 1. Umeå University.
  • Kansanen, P. (1996). Om relationen mellan pedagogik och didaktik. Didaktisk Tidskrift, 6, 1-2/1996, 27-43.
  • Kansanen, P. (1995). The Finnish didactics – Finished or a new beginning? In S. Hopmann & K. Riquarts (Eds.), Didaktik and/or Curriculum (pp. 151-163). Kiel: IPN.
  • Kansanen, P. (1995). Three essays on education dedicated to Hilda Taba, Johannes Käis and Heino Liimets. Acta Universitatis Scientiarum Socialium et Artis Educandi Tallinnensis. A5: 18-30.
  • Kansanen, P., & Uljens, M. (1995). Teacher education in Finland. In P.-E. Michaelsson (Ed.), Winter University (pp. 33-43). Paper from The Association for Teacher Education in Europe (ATEE). Dalarna University, Sweden.
  • Kansanen, P. (1995). The Deutsche Didaktik and the American research on teaching. In P. Kansanen (Ed.), Discussions on Some Educational Issues VI (pp. 97-118). Research Report 145. Department of Teacher Education, University of Helsinki. (ED394958)
  • Kansanen, P. (Ed.). (1995). Discussions on Some Educational Issues VI. Research Report 145. Department of Teacher Education, University of Helsinki. (ED394958)
  • Kansanen, P., & Uljens, M. (1995). Eine systematische Übersicht über die finnische Didaktik. In S. Hopmann, K. Riquarts, W. Klafki, & A. Krapp (Hrsg.), Didaktik und/oder Curriculum. Grundprobleme einer international vergleichenden Didaktik (pp. 299-307). Zeitschrift für Pädagogik, 33. Beiheft. Weinheim: Beltz.
  • Kansanen, P. (1995). Tysk didaktik och amerikansk undervisningsforskning. Didaktisk Tidskrift, 5, 3/1995, 26-48.
  • Kansanen, P. (1995). The Deutsche Didaktik. Journal of Curriculum Studies, 27(4), 347-352.
  • Kansanen, P. (1995). Teachers’ pedagogical thinking – What is it about? In C. Stensmo & L. Isberg (Red.), Omsorg och engagemang (ss. 32-45). Uppsala: Uppsala Universitet.
  • Kansanen, P., & Uljens, M. (1995). Lehrerbildung und die zweite Welle der Dezentralisierung – Zur Analyse der heutigen Situation. In P. Kansanen (Hrsg.), Diskussionen über einige pädagogische Fragen V (ss. 47-62). Research Report 140. Department of Teacher Education, University of Helsinki.
  • Kansanen, P. (Hrsg.). (1995). Diskussionen über einige pädagogische Fragen V. Research Report 140. Department of Teacher Education, University of Helsinki.
  • Kansanen, P. (1995). The way thinking is once again. In B. Hasselgren, I. Carlgren, M. Jonsson, & S. Lindblad (Red.), Lära till lärare (pp. 149-159). Stockholm: HLS Förlag.
  • Kansanen, P. (1994). Didaktik als ethische Grundlage des Unterrichts. In H.-J. Fischer, W. Lippke, & D. Schwerdt (Hrsg.), Ethos und Kulturauftrag des Lehrers (pp.133-143). Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang.
  • Kansanen, P. (1993). An outline for a model of teachers’ pedagogical thinking. In P. Kansanen (Ed.), Discussions on Some Educational Issues IV (pp. 51-65). Research Report 121. Department of Teacher Education, University of Helsinki. (ED366562)
  • Kansanen, P. (Ed.). (1993). Discussions on Some Educational Issues IV. Research Report 121. Department of Teacher Education, University of Helsinki. (ED366562)
  • Kansanen, P. (1993). Några allmänna reflexioner över didaktikens väsen. Didaktisk Tidskrift, 3/1993, 17-29.
  • Kansanen, P. (1992). Historical background of Finnish educational sciences. L&EIF – Life and Education in Finland, 4/1992, 52-55.
  • Kansanen, P. (1991). Pedagogical thinking: The basic problem of teacher education. European Journal of Education, 26, 251-260.
  • Kansanen, P. (1991). Die Rolle der Erziehungswissenschaft in der finnischen Lehrerbildung. Pädagogik und Schule in Ost und West, 39, 229-235.
  • Kansanen, P. (Ed.). (1991). Discussions on Some Educational Issues III. Research Report 94. Department of Teacher Education, University of Helsinki. (ED338560)
  • Kansanen, P. (1990). Education as a discipline in Finland. Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research, 34(4), 271-284.